Corporate Membership & Educational Partners

ANIA is a national not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting the field of nursing informatics and offering its members resources that enrich their roles in the field of nursing informatics. Membership is open to any healthcare or technology corporation, hospital, university, or related organization supporting the mission and goals of ANIA.


Corporate Opportunities

Exhibit Opportunities

ANIA's Annual Conference is recognized as the top event for nursing informatics professionals. Exhibitors have an outstanding opportunity to personally present their important sales and marketing message to hundreds of nurses who are working within clinical information systems, educational applications, data collection/research applications, administrative/decision support systems, and those who have an interest in the field of nursing informatics.

2025 Annual Conference - March 27-29, New Orleans, LA

Prospectus & Application ~ Exhibit, Advertising, & Sponsorship Opportunities

Advertising Opportunities

Journal of Informatics Nursing - ANIA publishes a quarterly peer-reviewed, electronically-distributed publication with a circulation of over 3,000. It is indexed within CINAHL and back issues remain online and accessible to ANIA members on indefinitely. Advertising opportunities exist for all issues. - ANIA has monthly online opportunities available on the official website and online library. See rate sheet for more details!

Monthly E-News - ANIA has sponsorship opportunities within its monthly e-news sent to over 3,000 members and prospects. See rate sheet for more details!